Re: CoreCDP 2.1.0

Home Forums Re: CoreCDP 2.1.0

Jesse Gilles

Hi Ken,

CoreCDP 2.1.0 has been tagged, but not officially released yet. Our current process is that we tag builds that are release candidates, they go to our internal test group and then when testing is good, I post release notes and announce the release. This eliminates the need to re-do a build/release simply to change the version number (such as from 2.1.0rc1 to 2.1.0).

However, the changes between 2.0.2 and 2.1.0 mainly affect java support, so if you aren’t using java, then the two builds are almost identical.

The only non-java-related change that would be noticeable would be the addition of SFTP and rsync to the standard base-image.
