Viewing Fax Entries

Query Parameters


An Admin level user can set this option to query all users instead of just faxes belonging to the authenticated user.


Limit the number of completed faxes returned in a general query (/ffws/v1/ofax) to LIMIT. By default the limit is 10. Faxes displayed in the completed list are (pre)viewable and reschedulable.


Retrieve faxes by class.


Include modem level information in the response (init_time, connect_time, …). Requesting this information increases the response size. Modem information only exists after the modem has completed at least one full attempt.

HTTP Request Line

GET /ffws/v1/ofax HTTP/1.1

GET /ffws/v1/ofax/FAXKEY HTTP/1.1

GET /ffws/v1/ofax/FAXKEY/ENTRYKEY HTTP/1.1

HTTP Response Status Codes

200 OK

Shows fax entries.


GET /ffws/v1/ofax HTTP/1.1
content-type: application/xml
authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/xml
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
	<schedule_message>Fax aborted by user</schedule_message>
	<created>2008-08-01 08:43:29</created>
	<stime>2008-08-01 08:52:29</stime>
		<subject>Test Subject</subject>
		<comments>Test Message</comments>
		<name>Sender Name</name>
		<organization>Sender Org</organization>
		<name>Rcpt 1 Name</name>
		<organization>Rcpt 1 Org</organization>