Hi Jason,
thank you for your help!
Could you use different APP EUI/KEY per customer for each set of Conduits?
Unfortunatly not, i have no access to devices.
LENS could be used although there would be additional cost involved.
What are the costs and how can i get into LENS?
When using the Network Server on Conduit a device should join and get a session to only one Conduit. Without LENS multiple Conduits that know the DevEUI/AppKey could respond to the Join Request.
This is happening, but this is not a problem. At the moment the Device sends the Join Request and all gateways will answer this request. The device will get the Keys from the “fastest” response and saves this AppSKey and NetSKey on its local storage. If the device sends a Payload afterwards only one gateway has the corresponding Session keys.
Is it possible with LENS to assign Device EUIs to Gateways? Otherwise i would have the Problem, that every Gateway fetches the correct Session Keys from the LENS Server and i will receive duplicate Uplinks.
I hope you understand my Problem.
Antoher Solution would be if i could move the NetworkServer from the Gateway to the Cloud. Do you know wich Network Server is used on the Conduits and if it can be ported to the Cloud?
Thank you so much for your support