Maximum size of LoRa downlink queue

Home Forums Lora Network Server Maximum size of LoRa downlink queue

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  • #30197
    William Laing

    Good Day –

    I checked the knowledge base, but I couldn’t find anything about:

    – What is the maximum size of the LoRaWAN downlink queue (number of packets)?
    – Is the size of the LoRaWAN downlink queue configurable?

    We have a variety of blue Conduits and IP67 models all running AEP.

    Thanks in advance for your help.


    William Laing

    Can anyone help or point me in the right direction?

    Jason Reiss

    LoRaWAN > Network Settings > Queue Size
    The setting is per device.
    Max number possible to be queued depends on the number of devices and size of packets.

    There is 8MB of space for config, LNS DB and custom apps to share.

    The size of each packet and meta-data in the queue id less than 500 bytes so 2000 would take up less than 1MB of NVM.

    If more packets need to be stored the application could store them in the file system outside of /var/config/ they would be lost on firmware upgrade.
    /var/oem/ could be used by the app to survive reboot and upgrade. It is another 8MB partition used for custom defaults.
    Or an SD card can be installed and the LNS DB moved to it.

    William Laing

    Thank you, Jason, that was very helpful.

    Have a great day!

    Jason Reiss


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