Compiling Java examples in to CDP

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  • #2575
    Campbell Elder

    How would you convert these Java apps in to CDP compiled apps?

    examples are for:- send a SMS when GPIO changes, PPP conection with Java APIs, GPS location procedures

    They are currently for Cinterion modules.

    Jesse Gilles

    The CDP has java support using jamvm (which provides the java virtual machine). In general, one should be able to compile the apps into a jar file, copy it to the CDP and execute it.

    Clark Ku

    It’s not as easy as posted before.

    The examples are builded based on Cinterion library for AT command sending.

    For instance, you should replace AT calling functions with a custom library that links to Multitech AT parser microcom

    Likely, other classes adaptations would be necessary, for Unsolicited Codes (URC), COM classes, etc.

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