Dot-Examples Problems with dev Library

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  • #23280
    Matt Brown


    I appreciate it is the dev library and you may already know this but if you don’t my comments may help.

    I built the OTA_EXAMPLE Dot-Examples with libxDot-dev-mbed5 and mbed-os-5.7.

    It ran but the RTC wake-up doesn’t appear to be working. It says “sleeping 10s” or similar but doesn’t wake-up.

    It is still running because pressing the button causes it to transmit.

    It doesn’t make much difference to me at the moment, I can use libxDot-mbed5.


    Ryan Klaassen

    Are you using sleep or deepsleep? When you say “doesn’t appear to be working” does that mean nothing is printing out on the debug port? Are you using sleep_wake_rtc_or_interrupt(deep_sleep);?

    Matt Brown

    static bool deep_sleep = false;

    It says “sleeping 10s” but then nothing happens even if I wait much longer than 10 s; no debug messages and no activity on TTN.

    If I press the button it transmits so the interrupt is working.

    sleep_wake_rtc_or_interrupt(deep_sleep); yes.

    I switched to the stable library (and mbed 5.4 and gcc 4.9) and it worked as I think you would expect, i.e. transmitted every 10 s.


    Ryan Klaassen

    I cannot reproduce this issue currently. I used the dev-lib, mbed-os-5.7.7 and gcc 6. Is there something else that you are doing differently than this?

    Matt Brown

    I think that’s what I was doing but it seems something must be different!

    If/when I switch back to looking at the Dot-Examples I check what I was doing and let you know more details if it is still happening.

    Pierre-Marie Ancele

    Exactly the same issue with mbed-os-5.7.7 and gcc 7.2.1 !
    Keep us updated 😉

    Ryan Klaassen

    GCC 7.2.1 is not currently supported by mbed. It recommended to use GCC 6 with mbed-os-5.7.7. Have you tried GCC 6?

    Pierre-Marie Ancele

    I just tried and it worked now. That was the issue, thank you.

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