Using Existing custom firmware, on MDot intended for Australian market.

Home Forums mDot/xDot Using Existing custom firmware, on MDot intended for Australian market.

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  • #19435
    Ajay K

    We are planning on having telemetry system for an Australian market, we currently have a custom firmware built and ready to go for the US market, however when we were reviewing the products and ensuring that the MDOT and conduit is certified for the Australian market we had some questions related to our existing custom application and the custom board with the MDot on it.

    1) Are there any hardware differences between MTDOT-915-X1P-SMA-1 (US region) and the Australian version MTDOT-915-AU-X1P-SMA-1. Other than the part number say, should we able to use the US MDot modules as is, since we have custom board with the US version of the MDot installed on it?

    2) Should our existing custom application firmware work as is without any changes? I know for EU there were some airtime/duty cycle restrictions. Are there anything for Australia that we need to accommodate for?


    Ajay K

    Any thoughts Multitech team?


    Mike Fiore


    US dots should only be deployed in the US. You need to deploy AU dots into the AU region. Current firmware & library implementation doesn’t allow a US dot to operate on AU frequencies or vice versa.

    The AU channel plan is similar to the US channel plan. You can look at the LoRaWan spec and regional parameters documents for more details.


    Ajay K

    Thanks Mike for taking the time to respond. Just a follow up question regarding the comment mentioned below:

    Current firmware & library implementation doesn’t allow a US dot to operate on AU frequencies or vice versa.

    Did you mean we could use the existing production mdot library as is, however if we use an US dot, it would prevent it from operating at the Australian frequencies? Also the Australian frequencies seem to be a subset of the US channel frequencies.


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