MultiConnect OCG
MultiConnect OCG
Open Communications Gateways
The MultiConnect OCG open communications gateways comprise an open Linux development environment and a fully certified hardware offering that includes multiple interfaces (serial, USB, Ethernet and SD card) and internal peripherals (including a cellular modem and a GPS receiver) in one application-ready end user solution.
Applications that require device networking capability can now reside directly on select Multi-Tech gateways. By bringing together a cellular hardware development kit and Multi-Tech’s CoreCDP, a distribution version of the Linux operating system and complete Linux build environment, you can create custom applications in a very short period of time. The MultiConnect OCG provides a flexible, quick and cost-effective way to bring your solution to market.
The MultiConnect Open Communication Gateways are available in two versions. Understanding your organizational capabilities and time to market expectations will help determine the version that is right for you:
MultiConnect OCG-D Open Communications Gateways – Device
MultiConnect OCG-E Open Communications Gateways – Embedded