Install NETMF

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    Terrence Spencer

    I understand that the STM32F411RET can run Microsoft’s .net Micro framework.
    I am a c# dev and c++ is killing me.

    Any experience or advice on porting netmf to the mDot?


    Mike Fiore


    We don’t have any official support for netmf. The C++ mbed environment is all that’s officially supported at this time.

    I’m not sure what the certification status of the product would be if you went down that road. The mDot was certified by FCC, LoRaWan, etc using the mDot software developed in mbed.



    Terrence Spencer

    Ok, Thanks Mike.
    Is there any unofficial progress or help I might get even though it would void my certification?

    Mike Fiore

    I’m not aware of any unofficial progress towards that goal. However, in addition to posting on our forum, you could create a topic on the mbed site and/or search around the mbed site to see if anybody else has attempted something similar.


    Terrence Spencer

    Ok, thank you for your suggestions.

    Terrence Spencer

    >>I’m not sure what the certification status of the product would be if you went down that road. The mDot was certified by FCC, LoRaWan, etc using the mDot software developed in mbed.

    Mike if I don’t have FCC certs, or LoRaWAN certs, that means I can’t make a commercial product or what? What are the downsides of using LoRa without certs?

    Thank you for your help.

    Terrence Spencer

    Any comment on this topic?

    Jason Reiss

    You may be able to maintain certification if you are able to compile with our prebuilt libmDot. We have a gcc archive available that may be able to be used with netmf.

    Otherwise if you for go using our library, then you would need FCC/ETSI certification before commercialization.

    The advantage of LoRa certification is customer confidence that the product has been tested against the protocol in an official manner.

    Terrence Spencer

    Thanks for that clarification Jason.

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