Join issue with Microchip Lora radio RN2903
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- This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 1 month ago by
Paul Jackson.
January 6, 2016 at 7:39 am #10767
Yuqian Li
I am trying to use Microchip Lora radio RN2903 ( to Join My Conduit GW, i can saw the GW show to me following message
13:16:33:232|DEBUG| Received packet
000 00 c0 ff ee 00 00 00 00
008 02 ef cd ab 89 67 45 23
010 01 af 00 eb ee 83 0813:16:33:232|DEBUG| Rx on 902700000, rssi: -103 snr: 12
13:16:33:232|DEBUG| Received frame: type: Join Request
13:16:33:233|INFO| Received join request
13:16:33:233|DEBUG| BUFFER: 00c0ffee0000000002efcdab8967452301af00
13:16:33:234|DEBUG| App EUI:
13:16:33:234|DEBUG| Dev EUI:
13:16:33:234|DEBUG| Nonce: 000000af
13:16:33:235|DEBUG| MIC is valid
13:16:33:236|DEBUG| Got appkey:
13:16:33:236|DEBUG| DEV NONCE: 00af
13:16:33:236|DEBUG| APP NONCE: 6fdce0
13:16:33:236|DEBUG| session keys: 13c1a681bf24619159998b1042c0fb2d 3cea6ffb0ab219dd95815d9f2c837721
13:16:33:237|TRACE| SQL query = SELECT address FROM nodes WHERE deveui = “0123456789abcdef”
13:16:33:239|INFO| Device found in DB, assigning address: 6
13:16:33:239|DEBUG| Update session keys
13:16:33:239|TRACE| SQL query = UPDATE nodes SET authenticationkey = “13c1a681bf24619159998b1042c0fb2d”, encryptionkey = “3cea6ffb0ab219dd95815d9f2c837721” WHERE address = “00000006”
13:16:33:243|DEBUG| Set node active: 1
13:16:33:243|INFO| Queue join response 17 bytes
13:16:33:243|DEBUG| Set node active: 1
13:16:33:243|DEBUG| update bestGateway
13:16:33:244|DEBUG| Time: 1814878676
13:16:33:244|DEBUG| App Queue Length: 1
13:16:33:244|DEBUG| Rx Frame seq 0 snr 12
13:16:33:244|DEBUG| SpreadingFactorStore::Add
13:16:33:245|DEBUG| FindSF : snr : 12 100 -88
13:16:33:245|TRACE| SQL query = UPDATE nodes SET jointime = “2016-01-06T13:16:33Z” WHERE address = “00000006”
13:16:33:248|TRACE| SQL query = UPDATE packets SET port = 2, seqno = 0, gateway = “0080000000009f6c”, time = “2016-01-06T13:16:33Z”, microseconds = 228602000, rssi = -103, channel = 2, lsnr_cB = 12, spread = 10, modulationbandwidth = 125, data = “efcdab8967452301af00” WHERE node = “00000006”
13:16:33:252|TRACE| SQL query = UPDATE nodes SET lastuppacketid = 1, lastmessagems = 18816247 WHERE address = “00000006”
13:16:33:255|TRACE| SQL query = UPDATE gateways SET lastuppacketid = 1 WHERE address = “0080000000009f6c”
13:16:33:257|DEBUG| getTimeOnAirMs dr: 10 bw: 2 pl: 8 sz: 16 toa: 82
13:16:33:258|INFO| Send Join Accept – EUI: 01:23:45:67:89:ab:cd:ef ADDR: 00000006
13:16:33:258|INFO| Schedule TX Time on air: 150 ms
13:16:33:258|DEBUG| Send MQTT message
13:16:33:259|DEBUG| UDP message: lora/01:23:45:67:89:ab:cd:ef/joined
13:16:33:259|DEBUG| UDP port: 1784
13:16:33:262|TRACE| Published message: 5
13:16:38:98|DEBUG| is frame ready?
13:16:38:99|DEBUG| App Queue Length: 1
13:16:38:99|DEBUG| BestGateway: 80000000009f6c
13:16:38:99|DEBUG| Start
13:16:38:100|INFO| Frame transmitted to 00:00:00:06 via GW (00:80:00:00:00:00:9f:6c Chan LC3 Seq# ce
13:16:38:100|TRACE| SQL query = UPDATE nodes SET lastdownmsgseqno = 206 WHERE address = “00000006”
13:16:38:103|DEBUG| App Data Queue: 1 front size: 17 available: 242
13:16:38:104|DEBUG| check if front is join request 17 bytes
13:16:38:104|DEBUG| Start
13:16:38:107|TRACE| App Data Queue – Join Popped
13:16:38:108|DEBUG| Transmitted Frame data
000 20 14 9a f3 6f a4 9a 4a
008 9c bf 76 84 65 d1 9d 4f
010 cd13:16:38:108|DEBUG| rx1Offset: 0 rx1Datarate: 10
13:16:38:109|DEBUG| Use JoinResponse Window Time
13:16:38:110|DEBUG| JSON tx: {
“txpk” : {
“codr” : “4/5”,
“data” : “IBSa82+kmkqcv3aEZdGdT80”,
“datr” : “SF10BW500”,
“freq” : 924.5,
“ipol” : true,
“modu” : “LORA”,
“ncrc” : false,
“powe” : 26,
“rfch” : 0,
“size” : 17,
“tmst” : 1819878676
does this mean GW accepted the join requires? but i always got reply from RN2903 radio shows “denied”, here is what i did in the RN2903 radio
RN2903 0.9.5 Sep 02 2015 17:19:55
mac set deveui 0123456789ABCDEF
mac set appeui 0200000000eeffc0
mac set appkey 2B7E151628AED2A6ABF7158809CF4F3C
mac save
mac join otaa
follow the RN2903 description of “denied”, it is caused by GW rejected join requires. can you help me figure out what is wrong in there? thank youJanuary 7, 2016 at 10:10 am #10895Frederik Vannieuwenborg
I’m using the RN2483 and have the same problem. Currently no solution using the default lorawan server.
FrederikJanuary 7, 2016 at 11:56 am #10933Bryan Tran
Have you tried to activate it using manual mode ?
ssh into the Conduit and issue the following:
# nc -u localhost 6677
Then add a node like this:
# node add [DevAddr] [APPEUI] [DEVEUI] [NwkSKey] [AppSKey]Example:
# nc -u localhost 6677
node add 00000005 0011223344556677 8811223344556677 2b7e151628aed2a6abf7158809cf4f3c 2b7e151628aed2a6abf7158809cf4f3cAEP:
a. Web into the Conduit and go Setup -> Lora Network Server -> Click on ‘Enable’ -> Public -> ‘Enable’ -> Name: YOUR-NETWORK-NAME -> Passphrase: YOUR-NETWORK-PASSPHRASE.
b. Click ‘Submit’ button.
c. ssh into the Conduit and issue the following:
nc -u localhost 6677
node add 00000005 0011223344556677 8811223344556677 2b7e151628aed2a6abf7158809cf4f3c 2b7e151628aed2a6abf7158809cf4f3cMicrochip:
mac set devaddr 00000005
mac set nwkskey 2b7e151628aed2a6abf7158809cf4f3c
mac set appskey 2b7e151628aed2a6abf7158809cf4f3c
radio set crc on
mac save
mac join abp
mac tx cnf 1 123456
January 7, 2016 at 8:36 pm #10946Yuqian Li
Participantthanks for your replies, i have success joined the GW with OTAA and ABP mode with RN2903 radio 🙂
i don’t know why, i used serial console to input commands of RN2903 to join the GW with OTAA, it is hard to get it Joined, but when i use program (serial program to connect to RN2903 serial port), i can join the GW, it is weird. but anyway, now RN2903 working for me now 🙂February 15, 2016 at 8:28 am #11664Paul Jackson
I’ve been following these notes but I’m still having issues with sending data. Joining does not appear to be my issue but sending data does.
I’m manually adding node using SSH and using node add instruction but can you point me to a remove instruction – I would expect some documentation around this but I can not find it.By the way, this is references RN2483.
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