xdot + conduit + peer2peer

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  • #22451
    alejandro ballesta

    Hi all,

    is it possible to use the conduit as a gateway for xdots connected using peer2peer mode?
    I would like to use the rf capabilities of the conduit + mtac lora to act as a gateway of some xdot nodes in p2p.
    We’ve been using one of the xdots as the gateway.
    I suppose we have to use just the packet-forwarder, right?


    Jason Reiss

    P2P in libxDot uses a different sync word from those used with LoRaWAN. The P2P packets will be filtered just as with Private/Public network LoRaWAN packets are.

    Also the P2P mode uses an IQ setting same as a gateway transmission. This allows the Dots to received each others packets, but will not allow a gateway to hear them, just as gateway packets are not received by other gateways.

    The packet forwarder could be modified to support this type of operation.
    The IQ setting would need to be reversed and sync word changed to 0x56.
    These resources can help you if that is something you are willing to endeavor.


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    alejandro ballesta

    Hi Jason,

    thanks for your fast reply
    I suppose something like that was happening

    12:21:47:677|INFO| GW:00:80:00:00:a0:00:16:2e|FRAME-RX|Parsing 1 packets
    12:21:47:678|WARNING| GW:00:80:00:00:a0:00:16:2e|FRAME-RX|REJECTED|REASON: Unexpected message type VALUE: 58

    I will take a closer look at what you sent.


    alejandro ballesta

    Hi Jason,

    I read the packet-fwd code (thread_up code) and realize there is no protocol check inside. Also saw there was a lot of debugging messages that I wasnt seen because the conduit was running this process as a daemon.
    I started the packet forwarder in foreground and lots of info appeared on the screen!
    Messages received by a node configured as NJM=3 are received by the packet-fwd and sent to a udp server in my pc.

    ����. ('', 34890)
    |���. ('', 34890)
    ����.{"rxpk":[{"tmst":749697916,"time":"2018-01-25T11:15:36.123466Z","chan":2,"rfch":1,"freq":868.500000,"stat":1,"modu":"LORA","datr":"SF10BW125","codr":"4/5","lsnr":7.0,"rssi":-65,"size":22,"data":"YDMiEQAASAABfXp+QUNQvX3j4lO+SQ=="}]} ('', 46320)
    3���. ('', 34890)

    Also receives keep-alive like messages.

    Thanks for the info!

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